Elhub’s test environment
On this page you will find the status of availability in Elhub’s test environment and technical information.
Elhub Web Portal test environment URL: https://portal-mt1.elhub.cloud.no/
Status Elhub test environment (Market Trial 1)
Unforeseen instabilities or downtime in Elhub’s test environment are published as operational messages on the front page.
Scheduled downtime:
Planned downtime in MT1 will be announced as an operational message on the front page in advance.
NB! The dates below may change.
Q3 2023
- 02.08.2023-11.08.2023 – Elhub v. R10.0.0
Known errors:
URLs for end points in Market Trial 1:
The system vendor’s system must be technically configured to communicate with Elhubs Market Trial 1 (MT1) environment. This is done by entering the connection information below into the system.
- https://service-mt1.elhub.no/WebService/services/MarketProcesses
- https://service-mt1.elhub.no/WebService/services/PollMarketProcesses
- https://service-mt1.elhub.no/WebService/services/MeteringValues
- https://service-mt1.elhub.no/WebService/services/PollMeteringValues
- https://service-mt1.elhub.no/WebService/services/Query
Elhub’s GLN in Exatest2 is: 7080003824349
Channel milestone
Channel milestone is set every Monday at 00:00.
What is Channel milestone? (In Norwegian)
Security and certificates
In order to communicate with MT1 the vendor will need a test certificate that is connected to their organization number. This is ordered from either Buypass or Commfides.
Before the vendor can start their testing Elhub will need the physical sender’s organization number and the thumb print from the certificate in SHA1-format. The thumb print can be extracted from e.g. the following ways from Linux and Windows respectively:
- Linux: Run the following OpenSSL-command on the certificate file:
- Openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -inform pem -in [certificate-file.crt]
- Windows: Open the certificate in «Certificate Manager». The SHA1-thumb print will be under «Details» for the specific certificate.
Click here for further information regarding the use of certificates in Elhub (in Norwegian)
PS! Supplementary information regarding the use of certificates, WSS and technical set-up in general is described in the Elhub documentation. The Elhub support team is not a technical team and will not be able to support the system vendors any further with this.
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