In Elhub, the colour green symbolizes our commitment to personal and professional growth.
Our guiding principle is, «When I am green, I am growing». Great team work and great enviroment for learning comes from having a great workplace. We call it being “the greatest hub to work”. As long as we’re committed to growth, Elhub is growing and we will deliver on our mission”.
We started 2024 with a kick off for all Elhubers at Rebel in Oslo to boost growth and learning. Here we learned that most of what we learn actually arises from our own daily work and in interaction with our colleagues. We were all challenged to think about what we want to learn and develop in 2024, and also to share that in small groups with our colleauges.

Our CEO Sigbjørn were challenged to learn a new skill. Knitting! He got knitting needles and white and green wool yarn, and were challenged to knit an Elhub sweater. Now we are all following his knitting growth with great pleasure.
And, we are ready to set growth and learn high on our agenda this year!