Test case instruction
1. Log into the Ediel Portal and start test by clicking «Initiate system test»
2. Select system and click next
3. Choose market party role and click next
4. Start test case and enter metering point ID used
In some test cases, there will be requirements for several fields to be filled in. It is important that all required fields are filled in. In addition, you must either fill in the fields for point 1 or point 2, depending on the type of end-user type you are testing.
5. Click “OK” at each step of the test in the Ediel Portal before starting the next step in your own system. The status will then show ✓Completed
6. At the end of the test: Check the test status in the Ediel Portal at regular intervals. If the status is approved, the test is complete, if the status is not approved, the test must be run again. It may take up to a few days for the Ediel portal to approve the test.